Friday, February 29, 2008


The diegetic language of this chronicle is English.

However there may or may not be "characters" within this account whose means of communication (if communication is in fact something "they" "do") may not be linguistic by certain construals of the term. If there are characters to be referenced as "they", and if they communicate, and if their communication is linguistic, I sort of doubt that it would be in English (under any construal of "English"), although I cannot say for sure.

What I can tell you is that whenever there is an English word whose use will be immediately relevantly handy, I will use it (e.g. "chronicle", "blog", etc.). It is not my intention to trick you.

However I would recommend paying extremely close attention to each and every proposition you can make out. I will make painstaking efforts to be as exact and accurate as possible, although I will make structural choices with respect to the narrative according to my highly sophisticated and artistic literary eye ("eye" here is an English metaphor that should be quite simple to figure out, however, this chronicle will likely be neither simple nor necessarily "able to be figured out").

This is not a strict puzzle, nor is it an allegory.

This is not a joke.